Get Started
With Watercolors!

What you'll learn
☑️ Understand Watercolor Painting Techniques
☑️ Learn how to arrange your composition
☑️ Master the important techniques in watercolor
☑️Understand Grammars of Composition & Watercolors
☑️ Understand in depth about tonal values & color mixing from a limited color palette.
☑️ How to layer or glaze to make your paintings glow
☑️ Understand about light and shade, how to keep highlights, add depth & shadows to enhance your piece.
☑️ In-depth dramatic cloud study in watercolors
☑️ Learn to create a monochromatic night forest
☑️ Understanding flow of waterfalls in watercolor with detailed rock study
☑️ Learn about the play of light n shade with a foliage landscape
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Materials Needed:
Watercolor Papers (300gsm CP)
Watercolor Brushes (MOP/Round)
Masking Tape/Washi Tape
Watercolors (Artist's Grade)
A detailed guide about what materials to use is included in this course
Key Highlights:
Full lifetime access to content
4 in-depth video tutorials
3 hrs of video guidance
Exclusive discount coupons on art materials
All the materials are self explanatory and guided by experienced full time artist

Course Preview
Course Description:
The course is for anyone who wants to learn to paint in watercolors & enhance theri skills but who does not know where to begin. At the start of the course I will show how to arrange your paper, and how to arrange your composition by understanding the grammars of composition. The materials used are bare minimum so that it won't cost you the earth! Next moving forward we would understand different techniques of watercolor such as wet on wet, wet on dry, layering etc., in each of the paintings to uderstand them in more depth and it's uses in your painting process. We will cover a in-depth dramatic cloud study with seascape, a monochrome painting of a snowy night forest to understand tones of a single color. The free flowing of waterfalls in watercolors to understand how to paint water in watercolors & a detailed study about rocks. Lastly we cover a complete light n shade painting of foliage landscape to understand in-depth about highlights, midtones & shadows to give your painting the realism.